Back of man's head

Hair Restoration

Both men and women can experience hair loss for many reasons, resulting in an aged appearance and impacted self-esteem. Dr. Raymond Konior's hair restoration treatments target the underlying issue and effectively restore the hair follicles.  Learn more about the advanced restorative options offered at our Chicago, IL, practice.

What Kinds of Restorative Treatment Do We Perform?

The team at Chicago Hair Institute offers several solutions to treat male and female hair loss. Our procedures are designed to address the underlying condition of balding to stimulate natural and full-looking growth. Dr. Konior is trained in both dermatology and cosmetic surgery and provides a range of options to both prevent and restore hair loss for patients of Chicago, IL.

before and after hair treatment

Regain Your Confidence  With Hair Restoration

If you are suffering from hair loss, know that you are not alone. It's estimated that 50% of all men and a third of women will experience androgenetic alopecia, or balding, at some point in their lives. While hair loss is common as we age, there is still a large amount of shame and negativity surrounding the topic. We are here not only to provide solutions, but to offer support and education on hair loss. 

Dr. Konior has been helping patients just like you treat their hair loss since opening his Chicago, IL, practice in 1996. Our team is passionate about giving patients the results they need to regain confidence in their appearance. Don't be afraid to seek help for your condition. Schedule a consultation today to find out what we can do for you. You can reach our Chicago, IL, office online or by calling:

Dr. Konior

Hear Why Patients Choose Dr. Konior

"I've had two procedures with Dr. Raymond J. Konior. The first time was 5 years ago and the wait was two months. The second time? The wait was a little over a year. There's good reason for that; because Dr. Konior is simply one of the best hair restoration surgeons in the world. Yes, world. Patients come from all over the globe for his services..." Scott C.

Am I a Good Candidate for Hair Restoration Surgery?

Hair loss can take a serious toll on your confidence. We want to help enhance your self-esteem with our cutting-edge hair restoration treatments such as hair transplants. However, there's a few factors you should consider before choosing this surgical procedure. Hair restoration candidates have:

Good Health

For any surgical procedure, a candidate should be in good health to keep the risks of general anesthesia and other aspects of surgery as low as possible.

Advanced Hair Loss

Candidates who have suffered hair loss for over five years can qualify for a hair transplant. Our surgeon will first make sure your hair loss isn't due to stress and external factors.

Realistic Expectations

The ideal candidate should have realistic expectations for the hair transplant process. Though our doctors are leaders in their field who can provide excellent results, your restored hair may not be as thick or full as it was in your youth.

Existing Hair

For the transplant surgery to create a natural-looking appearance, candidates should have enough existing hair in the donor site. 

Why Consider Specialized Hair Loss Treatment?

Experienced Professionals

Dr. Konior has been perfecting hair loss solutions for three decades, treating countless men and women with successful restorative treatments. Unlike services provided by hair loss technicians, our doctors have extensively trained in both cosmetic surgery and dermatology, providing the skilled treatment to correct your condition.

Cutting-Edge Solutions

We use only the latest methodology and cutting-edge technology in our hair restoration procedures. From new techniques in transplant treatment to highly subtle scar repair, we remain at the forefront of innovations in the hair restoration industry. Unlike over the counter products and one size fits all medications, we customize your treatment to correct the underlying issue. 

Natural-Looking Results

With the addition of Dr. Sahar Nadimi, a skilled facial cosmetic surgeon, we offer a full range of high-quality procedures to not only restore your hair but more comprehensively enhance your appearance. Patients of our Oakbrook Terrace hair restoration office can correct their hairlines, disguise scars, and rectify failed prior treatments to receive a stunning, natural-looking outcome.

Surgical Hair Loss Solutions  

We utilize several different techniques at our Chicago, IL, practice to discreetly correct hair loss. One of the most effective ways to achieve hair restoration is hair transplant surgery. There are two main methods of transplantation: follicular unit extraction and strip harvesting. You and the doctor will discuss the benefits of each hair transplant technique, and choose the ideal method for your restoration... 

Follicular Unit Extraction 

Back of man's shaved head

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a more complex and skilled method of obtaining hair follicles for hair transplants. The doctor individually extracts follicular units, groups containing one to four hairs, from the donor site. If you lack sufficient follicles on the back of the scalp, we can also perform FUE with body hair. The main advantage of FUE is avoiding the scarring that can result from strip harvesting methods. While the doctor extracts follicles from a larger donor area, the procedure will leave small, discreet circular scars that can easily be disguised. 

Donor Strip Harvesting

Doctor drawing grid onto back of man's shaved head

Strip harvesting is the more traditional method for extracting hair follicles from a donor site. We begin by taking strips of tissue from an area with good hair growth, typically in the posterior of the scalp. We then harvest the hair follicles under microscopes to avoid damaging the follicular cells. Our strip incisions are meticulously made under high power magnification to extract high-quality donor strips. The area is sealed with a layered closure technique to minimize tension and the accumulation of tissue, resulting in a subtle, concealable scar. 

The Effects Are Stunning and Natural  Results From a Chicago, IL, Patient

Before treatment
After treatment

Custom Treatment Plans  for Superior Results

Hair loss can be a challenging problem stemming from a complex set of genetic and environmental factors. The best way to combat your condition is with a team of professionals with the experience to address your unique needs. 

You can trust Chicago Hair Institute to provide individualized care and the expert procedures you need to feel confident in your appearance once again. Get started on your custom treatment today by scheduling a consultation at our Oakbrook Terrace office. You can reach us online, or by calling:

(630) 932-9690

Doctor examining patient's scalp

"I just got an FUE hair transplant with them and I am very happy with how the procedure went... Nothing felt rushed. The surgery itself was not as bad as I was anticipating. The only part that was uncomfortable was receiving the numbing injections but after I could not feel anything. The pain afterwards was very minimal."
Brandon Owen

Methods  for Hair Transplants

Take a closer look at the techniques and methods offered at Chicago Hair Institute to produce natural-looking and successful hair transplants...

​Lateral Slit Technique

Lateral slits are used to create recipient sites for donor hair graft transplants. Lateral graphing allows the doctor to better control the angle in which grafted follicles are placed. By angling hair close to the scalp, we can create the illusion of greater hair density even if we are unable to harvest a large number of follicles in a strip or in FUE.

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​Follicular Unit Preparation

Our team carefully prepares the follicular units in our precise dissection process. The first phase is known as slivering, where we divide the donor strip of hair into small sections of tissue. Our technicians then refine the isolated units as much as possible under high-power binocular microscopy. Once they are prepared, they are sorted by the number of hairs in the follicular unit and carefully stored in a hydrating solution. This highly scientific and technical process is designed to maintain a large quantity of usable follicles for your future hair transplant.

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​Stick and Place Technique

During a traditional hair transplant, a surgeon will pre-make all the openings for donor hair follicles before placing the units. In contrast, our doctors use a modern stick and place technique that is more accommodating to natural skin elasticity. By placing each donor follicle immediately after making an opening, the holes can be smaller and follicles are more accurately inserted. The stick and place technique is especially useful when filling out thinning areas in an existing patch of hair as we can create a denser transplant. 

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​Trichophytic Closure

The trichophytic closure helps minimize visible scarring at the hair follicle donor site. A technique long practiced by plastic surgeons for its aesthetic benefits, Dr. Konior has adapted the technique for donor strip incisions to make the resulting scar virtually indistinguishable from the surrounding skin. Rather than stitching together the scalp at the site of a harvested strip, we carefully trim the two sides of the skin to allow for hair growth through the resulting scar. 

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Mega-sessions involve placing a large quantity of hair follicle grafts in a single appointment. Requiring a high level of surgical skill, Dr. Konior is one of the few doctors with the ability to perform hair restoration mega-sessions with satisfactory results. Mega-sessions can take anywhere from eight to twelve hours to complete and will transfer approximately 3500 to 5000 grafts. While these sessions can be lengthy, they result in minimal scarring due to a fewer amount of overall procedures and quicker hair restoration. 

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​Hairline Surgery

Hairline surgery alters the composition of the hairline by lowering the point where natural growth occurs on the forehead. During this procedure, also known as a forehead reduction surgery, the doctor will graft follicles below the point where the hairline naturally occurs to create the illusion of a smaller forehead and establish better facial balance and symmetry. This hair restoration surgery is also useful for patients who wear hair systems to disguise baldness. By framing the face with real hair, a hairpiece will blend in and look more like natural hair growth. 

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Take the First Step Today

When you come to our Chicago, IL, practice for treatment, you can receive advanced hair restoration surgery directly from leaders in the field. Dr. Konior is considered one of the best providers of hair restoration surgeries in the Chicago area, and has trained Dr. Nadimi to follow in his footsteps. When you choose Chicago Hair Institute, you can expect the highest quality of treatment.

We offer virtual consultations, so no matter where you are, you can meet with one of our experienced physicians to discuss a restoration plan that's right for you. Call our Chicago, IL, office for a free consultation:

(630) 932-9690

"The Chicago Hair Institute Clinic was A+++"

"I'm from out of state and found the Chicago Hair Institute during a Google search, and I'm glad I did. The staff put me at ease throughout, and they allowed me to come in on as many days post surgery for washing or check up as I wanted.  I felt very taken care of.  The surgery I received was an FUT hair restoration, mainly of the front hairline, to cover an old scar, along with a few additional grafts in the crown region.  My experience at the Chicago Hair Institute Clinic was A+++, and I would highly recommend this clinic to anyone. Thank you. A J

Learn More About Hairline Surgery and
Other Restorative Procedures 
We Offer at Our Chicago, IL, Practice 

Dr. Nadimi explains the unique benefits of hairline lowering surgery and how it can help patients who may be self-conscious about the size of their forehead.

It's Never Too Late to Seek Treatment 5-Star Review From a Chicago, IL, Patient

"If you are like me, wondering the pros and cons of undergoing hair restoration. Just stop wondering, stop questioning! It will be the best thing you've ever done... hands down! Once you have overcome that hurdle... do yourself the favor and get it done by Dr Raymond Konior! Im 200% certain... he is the guy you need. Dr Konior and his team/practice made the whole process....  parfait! Any questions... feel free to shout me out!" Christian Chouchani
Dr. Raymond J. Konior, MD, FACS

Chicago Hair Institute

Dr. Raymond J. Konior and the team at the Chicago Hair Institute offer world-class treatment backed by over 30 years of expertise in the field of hair restoration. Our doctors are nationally affiliated with professional associations including:

  • American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery
  • International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
  • American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

To learn more or to schedule an appointment at our Chicago, IL, hair restoration clinic, contact us online or call (630) 932-9690.

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