Chicago Hair Institute

BOTOX® Cosmetic Side Effects

Feb 16, 2023 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Botox

Many people are unhappy with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on their face, but aren’t ready for surgery. BOTOX® Cosmetic diminishes fine lines and wrinkles without the need for surgery or significant recovery time, making it a great option for those who want to reverse the hands of time without undergoing invasive procedures.

BOTOX is a safe treatment for rejuvenating the appearance, but there are some possible side effects patients should be aware of before undergoing treatment. At Chicago Hair Institute, Dr. Sahar Nadimi explains the possible BOTOX Cosmetic side effects to patients in Chicago, IL, and surrounding areas. For more information about BOTOX Cosmetic, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nadimi.


BOTOX is an injectable treatment most commonly used to smooth wrinkles and rejuvenate the appearance of the face and skin.

BOTOX consists of purified botulinum toxin, which helps to diminish the appearance of wrinkles by relaxing the muscles under problem areas, like the forehead and around the eyes.

BOTOX Is Safe, But There Are Possible Side Effects

BOTOX Cosmetic has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as safe for treating facial wrinkles and fine lines.

Although BOTOX is safe, side effects are possible after treatment. The good news is that most people who experience side effects find them to be mild and notice an improvement within a day or two.

Pain, Swelling, and Bruising

One of the more common side effects of BOTOX Cosmetic is pain, swelling, and sometimes bruising at and around the injection site.

In most cases, pain and swelling resolve after a day or two, but pain can be helped with an over-the-counter pain reliever recommended by our Chicago plastic surgeon. Swelling may be reduced by applying ice packs for a few minutes at a time.

Flu-like Symptoms

Some people may develop flu-like symptoms, including a fever and fatigue, shortly after receiving treatment with BOTOX.

Generally, flu-like symptoms are mild to moderate and resolve on their own.


Some patients may develop a headache after their BOTOX injection. Often, over-the-counter pain relievers are sufficient for relieving headache pain.

Upset Stomach

A small number of patients sometimes experience an upset stomach or even nausea after treatment with BOTOX.

For most patients, upset stomach and nausea are mild to moderate. Some people may experience stomach problems for a few days or a couple of weeks.

Drooping Eyelid

A drooping eyelid is rare, but is a possible side effect for those who have BOTOX injected around their eyes.

Although care is taken to inject BOTOX Cosmetic into specific areas around the eyes, it can occasionally seep into the upper eyelid. When this happens, it can paralyze the muscle that controls the upper eyelid. If this muscle is paralyzed by BOTOX, it can cause the eyelid to droop. 

Schedule a Consultation

BOTOX Cosmetic provides instant rejuvenation results without the need for significant recovery time. If you would like to find out if BOTOX is right for you, please call our Chicago office at (630) 932-9690 or send us a message online.