Chicago Hair Institute

Is Hair Loss Reversible?

Feb 12, 2019 @ 06:34 AM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Hair Loss

Hair loss affects approximately 56 million men and women in the United States.

Is hair loss reversible? This is one of the most common questions we hear at our Chicago, IL practice. Here, our team answers this question and offers insight about types of hair loss and popular hair loss treatments.

Is Male and Female Pattern Baldness Reversible?

Male and female pattern baldness is primarily genetic, although these conditions can also be caused by underlying hormone or endocrine issues. While men develop thinning hair around the crown and a receding hairline, women most often notice thinning around the part or near the very top of the scalp.

Unfortunately, male and female pattern baldness is not reversible without surgical intervention. However, if detected early enough, certain medications, such as minoxidil, finasteride, and Dutasteride can help halt the progression of thinning hair.

Other Types of Reversible Hair Loss

There are several other types of hair loss. Many of these conditions can be reversible in certain situations. In the sections below, we will explore these types of hair loss and how patients can reverse the effects.

Telogen Effluvium

This common type of hair loss occurs when the body has a shock response. For example, this condition can be the result of a crash diet, pregnancy, or another physically taxing event. It can also occur during a particularly emotional or stressful time.

Telogen effluvium causes the hair to temporarily stop growing and enter a resting state. When these hairs shed in a few months’ time, the results are typically quite noticeable. Fortunately, this condition can be reversed by eliminating its culprit.

Tinea Capitis

This condition is a fungus, or type of ringworm, that can affect the scalp. As a result, the hairs growing in that area tend to break or fall out.

Most often, this condition affects children, and it can be successfully treated with antifungal medication. Once tinea capitis is treated, the hair grows back.

Alopecia Areata

Individuals with alopecia areata develop hair loss as a symptom of autoimmune disease. In fact, this condition occurs because the immune system attacks the hair follicles.

Though treatment can be dependent on the overall health of the individual, many patients see considerable regrowth after undergoing steroid therapy.


Trichotillomania does not refer to a type of hair loss, but to an obsessive-compulsive behavior in which individuals pull or tug on their hair.

This condition can lead to significant hair loss. However, once the triggers that lead to hair pulling are addressed, the hair will grow back.

Contact Chicago Hair Institute Today

No matter what type of hair loss you have, our doctors can help address the problem. We offer a wide range of hair restoration treatments, from medications to surgery.

During a consultation at our practice, we can help determine a personalized treatment plan that is right for you. To learn more or to schedule an appointment contact us online or give us a call at (630) 932-9690.