Chicago Hair Institute

Understanding the Risk of Shock Loss After Hair Transplant Surgery

Oct 16, 2015 @ 10:48 AM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Shock Loss Hair Transplant

Chicago Hair Institute offers patients advanced surgical hair loss treatment with excellent results. Dr. Raymond J. Konior helps his patients have the great head of hair that they've always wanted to have, with natural hairlines and realistic density.

Sometimes patients experience side effects that may seem troubling. One such side effect is known as shock loss. Let's take a look at shock loss in a little more detail right now.

What Is "Shock Loss"?

Shock loss refers to a type of hair loss that occurs following hair transplant surgery. That's right: sometimes hair loss occurs as a side effect of hair transplantation.

Shock lock essentially means that the hair that was not replaced falls out in reaction to the surgery performed on the scalp and the placement of follicular units in the bald area of the scalp. A number of patients are upset to notice healthy hair fall out after a hair restoration procedure, but rest assured that this side effect, should it occur, is temporary and does happen to a number of patients.

What Causes Shock Loss?

Shock loss can be caused by a number of things. The primary reason it occurs is the stress placed on the scalp as a result of surgery. The follicles will shift to a resting phase until a patient has recovered fully.

The amount of follicular units harvested from a healthy part of the scalp and the placement of these donor hair grafts in the surgical site can also contribute to shock loss of healthy hair. If hair follicles are bunched too densely, this can lead to a higher degree of shock loss.

How Bad Can Shock Loss Get?

In some cases it can be rather noticeable, though it depends on the location of the shock loss, the length and density of a patient's hair, and a variety of other factors.

Is Shock Loss Permanent?

No. In the vast majority of cases, shock loss is temporary and the healthy hair that has fallen out due to shock loss will grow back just fine.

The only time that shock loss would be permanent is if the hair loss occurs in a part of the scalp that was genetically likely to fall out as a result of advanced age and pattern baldness. With that in mind, this is the reason that hair restoration is performed when patients are older and have experienced most of the balding and hair thinning that they are likely to have as a result of the aging process.

What Should I Do If I Suffer From Shock Loss?

Patients shouldn't worry about requiring secondary hair transplant surgery or revision procedures. Hair will grow back in the area in a few months, meaning a full and rich head of hair thanks to regrowth and the placement of these hair grafts.

As a preventative measure, patients are sometimes given minoxidil or other hair loss medications in order to reduce the amount of shock loss experienced and to maintain current density of the healthy hair.

All options for preventing shock loss as well as serious complications can be discussed during your consultation at the practice.

Contact Dr. Raymond J. Konior

For more information about your many different options for hair restoration and transplantation, be sure to contact our hair transplant and restoration surgery center today. The team here at Chicago Hair Institute will work with you to help you get the healthiest and fullest head of hair possible.